Protose & Sausage with Dates and Onion


So, I was making up the powder fort spice blend and I just kept thinking eatitwithdateseatitwithdateseatitwithdates so I decided to cook something containing dates.This is kind of high calorie, but that can be alleviated a little by swapping the protose out for tofu (I’d use about 200g probably) or using two sausages instead of one.

Apart from the obvious use of mockmeats containing peanuts and soya… this is feasibly a fairly authentic dish.


  • 1/4 block of protose
  • 1 veggie sausage
  • 1 teaspoon of powder fort
  • 6/7 dates
  • 1 onion 
  • some sweet sherry
  • a little water
  • a little olive oil
  • kale or other green vegetables as an accompaniment


Chop the onion, dates, protose and sausage, and fry in the oil with the powder fort.

Add a tablespoon or two of the cooking sherry, and a little water. You don’t want things swimming in water, just kept moist.

Allow to cook for a few minutes. One everything was in the pan, I started cooking my kale and it was all ready at the same time. Very quick.


Approx: Calories: 630, 68g Carbs (9g Fibre), 21g Fat, 43g Protein.